Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2015.12.11

Ernst Neizvestny. Return to Manege

Exhibition from the collection of Felix Komarov.
5 January — 9 February 2016

Moscow Department of Culture

Manege Central Hall


Private view for the media – 25 January, 16.00; 18.00 – opening ceremony, collector’s talk



On January 5, 2016, the Manege Central Hall will open a new exhibition, “Ernst Neizvestny. Return to Manege”. The exposition is arranged by the Russian World Gallery founded by collector Felix Komarov. The grand opening and private view for the media will be on January 25, 2016.


Going on display are a hundred of the artist’s pieces of painting, graphics, monumental sculpture, as well as photographs and video footage.


Great sculptor, painter and philosopher Ernst Neizvestny is an unrivalled artist who has lived through dramatic times. He received a classical art education in the USSR and, even as a youngster, won awards at the All-Union children’s art competitions. Then, the Great Patriotic War broke out, and the sculptor joined as a volunteer. The years of war left an imprint on his attitudes. Back from the war, he embarked on the search of a new artistic language. By the late 1950s, Neizvestny had earned a standing as the laureate of International festivals and winner of the All-Union competitions. He worked as an illustrator and created monumental sculptures and bas-reliefs across the world. Following the notorious incident during Nikita Khrushchev’s visit at the exhibition “30th Anniversary of the Moscow Union of Artists” in 1962, Neizvestny came to be one of the most prominent figures of the national art scene. However, he had to leave the country as he could not fully realize his potential under the regime. In emigration, Neizvestny has continued his search of new artistic media and created many masterpieces.


Monuments and sculptures by Ernst Neizvestny can be found in many cities across the world, particularly Vatican, Rome, Geneva, Stockholm, New York where the sculptor is now based, as well as in many Russian places, namely, Moscow, Perm, Magadan, Kemerovo, and the Crimea. Today, there are two museums of the sculptor — the Ernst Neizvestny Art Museum in his home city of Yekaterinburg and the Tree of Life Museum in Sweden, not far from Stockholm. Besides, many of his works belong to museum and private collections worldwide.


Even living far from his home country, he has kept it in his heart and memory. He confessed, “My home country is Russia, the Urals where I was born. My home is in the USA, by my heart is in the Urals.” In 2004, there was the unveiling in Moscow of Neizvestny’s sculpture “The Tree of Life” — his manifesto he had been contemplating for years. The sculptor had received many requests to have the Tree of Life installed in other cities, but it was his concern that its designation should be Russia. Neizvestny has continued his work up to now.


Over the years, Neizvestny has maintained warm ties with collector Felix Komarov, which resulted in their successful joint work. Felix Komarov is not only a friend, connoisseur and collector of his art, but also his official representative in Russia.


Felix Komarov is a collector of Russian icons and the creator of a great collection of Big Russian Icons. In 2014, items from his collection were exhibited at the Manege Central Hall in a grand display “Big Russian Icons. 300 Icons from the Felix Komarov Collection”. Currently underway is the preparatory work for another exposition to feature 300 icons from his unique collection “Russian Saints”. Felix Komarov has been active with the educational and social agenda. He sits on the Boards of Trustees of the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory and the Saint Andrei Rublev Foundation for preservation of cultural, historical and spiritual heritage.


The exhibition will be accompanied with a catalogue.



Media Contacts (accreditation, interviews):

Manege MEA | +7 (965) 412–74–24 | pr.manege@gmail.com

Head of PR Department Elena Karneeva | e.karneeva@moscowmanege.ru, +7 (926) 576-40-53



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