Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2015.08.28

Concert of experimental and contemporary art music

3 September

Moscow Department of Culture

Manege Museum and Exhibition Association


Contemporary avant-garde music at the Vadim Sidur Museum


Lineup: Kirill Shirokov and Andrey Guryanov


The Vadim Sidur Museum will continue its musical program with a concert of young composers. Kirill Shirokov and Andrey Guryanov will give a performance combining avant-garde, improvisation and sound art. Performances of young musicians exploring contemporary music has become a tradition at the museum.


Kirill Shirokov is a composer, improviser, poet and performer. He studied at the Moscow Conservatory and has worked as an orchestra inspector at the Electrotheatre Stanislavsky. He made it to the short list of the Connecting Music competition and participated in the Venice Biennale (2012) and several festivals, including the “Moscow Forum” (2011, 2014) and the “Kiev Laurels” (2012).


Shirokov is the curator and co-curator of various musical and interdisciplinary events. He created music to an opera called “Marevo” (Mirage in English) together with Mark Buloshnikov as part of the Provmyza project, which was awarded the Innovation prize in 2013.


Andrey Guryanov has worked as a sound designer in the movie industry, theatre and media production. He studied at the sound engineering workshop of A.A. Gasan-Zade at the Saint Petersburg State University of Cinema and Television. His scope of interests includes generative music, concrete music (a branch of academic electronic music), field recordings, soundscapes, and free improvisation. Guryanov has worked with record labels Already Dead Tapes, TOPOT.


Ticket price: 100 rubles

Accreditation: Manege MEA | +7 (495) 645-92-76 | pr.manege@gmail.com

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