Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2015.11.10


6 November — 30 November 2015

On Monday, 23 and 30 November the exhibition is open from 12.00 to 21.00.


Moscow Department of Culture

Manege Association


Autumn auction on December 1



On December 1, the New Manege exhibition hall will host the autumn sale organized by VLADEY auction house. The pre-sale exhibition will be open from November 6 till November 29.


The works in VLADEY’s collection include both masterpieces by the classics of Russian contemporary art and paintings by young talented artists. The majority of works (overall, there will be 81 of them) are on display for Moscow’s audience for the first time after some of them were brought back to Russia from collections abroad.


The top lots of the exhibition and the forthcoming sale include Vladimir Weisberg’s painting of 1971 Three Bouquets of Flowers, which is an exhibit of high cultural significance. The painting by Semyon Faibisovich Passenger (1988) from the famous “Moscow Underground” cycle and a work on a traditional subject by Oleg Vassiliev called Swampy Field (2001) will make appealing acquisitions for collectors and promise unique experience for visitors.


On display will be works of art closely related to the history of Manege and contemporary art. You will be offered a rare opportunity to appreciate some really prominent pieces: “Heads” by Ernst Neizvestny, three works by Vadim Sidur, masterpieces belonging to artists of the elder generation (Dmitry Krasnopevtsev, Oscar Rabin (“The Church of Saints Flor and Lavr”).


The viewers will also get a chance to see works by well-known contemporary artists; this time, the names on show include Evgeny Antufiev, Egor Koshelev, Vladimir Potapov, and the Recycle Art Group.



Vladimir Ovcharenko, auctioneer at VLADEY:

“VLADEY’s success formula is: masterpieces and again masterpieces. Either with a well-established artist or a young talent, our aim is to show the best works, to find an unexpected angle, to contribute to the viewer’s experience of the artist’s work”.



The catalogue is available online at the www.vladey.net.


Media contacts:

Manege Association | +7 (495) 645-92-76 | pr.manege@gmail.com


The organisers:

+7 495 228 13 32 | e-mail: da@vladey.net

Ekaterina Chuvashova | +7 926 660 25 53


VLADEY is an auction house founded in 2013 by collector and gallery owner Vladimir Ovcharenko to support and promote contemporary art in Russia. VLADEY holds sales and shows of contemporary art four times a year and organizes charity events (Help Krymsk, Helppepper).



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