Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2016.03.09

Under the Ground

Group exhibition
9 March — 17 April 2016

Official opening — 9 March, 19.00



On March 9, the Vadim Sidur Museum will open a group exhibition of contemporary artists titled Under the Ground, which sums up a series of talks held by the participants to discover the influence of art in the Moscow Metro on the public and private life.


The artists explore the Moscow underground transport as a space of artistic communication originally designed with clear ideological purposes and aspirations to actively influence people. Today, even though the state ideology behind such ambitions is gone, the influence and specific impact of the Moscow Metro as an aesthetic environment is still felt by the passengers.


The artists try to discover the degree and limits of this influence. Their works encourage a transition, both in terms of aesthetics and content, beyond the limits of the ideological code inscribed in the architecture and decorations of Moscow’s underground stations.


Another important meaningful part of the project is the symbolic relation with the venue, the Vadim Sidur Museum. Firstly, it is the geographic location, which makes prolonged and regular underground journeys an inevitable personal experience on the itinerary of its visitors. And secondly, there is the revisiting of the role of Sidur, an artist who became the symbol of artistic autonomy, which can be achieved even as you work in an underground basement literally.




Roman Minaev is a Professor of a New Media class at the Rodchenko School of Photography and Multimedia. He studied Printmaking at Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts (Germany) and Chinese Calligraphy at the China Academy of Fine Arts. He then continued his education at the Institute of Art in Context at the Berlin University of the Arts.


Natalia Zintsova graduated from the Russian Academy of Theatre Arts (1995) as a director and later completed a program at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Moscow (2007). She works in sculpture and installation.


Mikhail Maksimov is an artist and works as a teacher of the Rodchenko School of Photography and Multimedia. He participated in the following exhibitions and film festivals: the 2morrow/Zavtra film festival (2012), the Tarkovsky Zerkalo Film Festival (2013), the Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art (3rd, 4th, and 5th editions).


Anastasia Kizilova studied at the department of costume design of the Stieglitz St. Petersburg State Industrial Art Academy and at the PROARTE Institution. She works with the aesthetics of interaction.


Alexander Povzner graduated from the Institute of Contemporary Art and the Surikov Art Institute. He featured in the collateral program of Manifesta 10. He works in sculpture and installation.


Yan Tamkovich graduated from the Institute of Contemporary Art, he works in installation and has participated in Russian and international exhibitions. His artistic interests include the legacy of Moscow Conceptualism.


Admission by tickets to the permanent exhibition

Media Accreditation: Manege Unit | +7 (495) 645-92-76 | pr.manege@gmail.com



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