Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2015.08.24

Traditional Folk Crafts: Past, Present, Future

Retrospective exhibition
15 September — 22 September 2015

Moscow City Department of Culture

Manege Museum and Exhibition Association


Russian Folk Arts and Crafts Association

Opening —15.00, September 15


On September 15, a large-scale retrospective exhibition called “Traditional folk crafts of Russia. Past, present, future” will open at the New Manege. The project will mark the 25th anniversary of the Russian Folk Arts and Crafts Association, being the central event of the celebrations.


Visitors will appreciate the wide variety of folk arts, learning about the traditions dating back through centuries, the modern trends of development and the main lines of the design and manufacturing of new types of products.


The exposition will feature more than a thousand of Russian decorative art masterpieces from 40 regions. White porcelain from Gzhel and Verbilki, landscape engravings from Zalotoust, painted trays from Zhostovo and Nizhny Tagil, Khokhloma wood painting, finest lace, miniature lacquer painting, monumental bronze from Urals, sculpture compositions from Uelen, items made of birchbark, traditional decorative embroidery from numerous regions, clay toys, products of gunsmiths, and carving in stone from the Perm territory.


On display will be works both by young craftsmen and by nationally recognized masters honored with titles and prizes. The public will be offered masterpieces of Russia’s world-renowned folk arts created over the past 25 years and belonging to the collections of the Russian Folk Arts and Crafts Association, museums of craft associations, assortment rooms of manufactures and educational institutions.


The purpose of the exhibition is to sustain the common cultural landscape, promote inter-regional cultural co-operation and draw attention to the problems of decorative art development.


“Folk arts and crafts are Russia’s cultural heritage and part of the world’s cultural heritage. The main role in preserving Russia’s decorative art is played by the Russian Folk Arts and Crafts Association, which celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. The exhibition represents a quarter-century report by us, being the first art show after fifty years,” said Gennady Drozhzhin, president of the Russian Folk Arts and Crafts Association.

The general sponsor of the exhibition is Transneft.



Media accreditation:

Manege MEA | +7 (965) 412–74–24 | pr.manege@gmail.com

Elena Karneeva | e.karneeva@moscowmanege.ru, +7 (926) 576-40-53

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