Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2015.09.22

Project “Alanica. The Experimental Method”

Special program of the 6th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art
26 September — 25 October 2015

Moscow City Department of Culture

Manege Museum and Exhibition Association


Vernissage: 25 September, 19.00-21.00

Curator — Galina Tebieva


For nine years already, the Alanica annual arts symposium has been held in Vladikavkaz (the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania) to facilitate a vivid polylogue on contemporary art. Experiment is the language of the discussion, while it is also actually the mode of existence for all the participants, including curators, critics and even audience, for whom everything they find at the Alanica inevitably becomes an eye-opener and a trigger to transform their perceptions of the world.


Public workshops, performances and master classes take the symposium beyond being just a ground for the realization of artistic visions and projects and turn it into a venue of educational practice and initiatives. Through the communication of artists from different countries with diverse professional and artistic backgrounds, there comes an opportunity to discover the latest artistic movements of the modern world, which is especially important for the dialogue of the established masters with their younger peers. Thus, the symposium emerges, in a way, as an academy of contemporary art that is being created today.


Nine editions of the Alanica have gathered a wide collection of works that have never been on display outside Ossetia. Now, the best works of contemporary art constituting the most surprising results of this ongoing experiment, will be exhibited at the Worker and Kolkhoz Woman Exhibition Center as part of the Sixth Moscow biennale of Contemporary Art. The venue was chosen for a reason: back then, the sculpture by Vera Mukhina mounted on the top of the building emerged as an artistic and engineering experiment, which came significantly ahead of its time.



Organizer: North Caucasian branch of the National Center for Contemporary Art (NCCA).



Artists: Alisa Gokoeva, Russia, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania / Timur Musaev-Kagan, Россия, the Republic of Dagestan / Maite Cajaraville, Spain / Tatyana Badanina, Russia / Vladimir Nasedkin, Russia / Kazbek Tedeev, Russia, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania / Khaled Hafez, Egypt / M. Pistoletto, Love&Differnce, Italy / Ivan Egelsky, Russia / Mikhail Gulin, Belarus / Sergey Bratkov, Ukraine / Magdi Mostafa, Egypt / Umida Akhmedova, Uzbekistan / Taus Makhacheva, Russia, the Republic of Dagestan / Alexandra Mitlyanskaya, Russia / Yuri Vasiliev, Russia / Dejan Kaludjerovic, Serbia / Ferhat ?zg?r, Turkey / Sabina Shikhlinskaya, Azerbaijan / Vladimir Migachev, Russia / Stas Kharin, Russia, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania / Aslan Gaysumov, Russian, Chechen Republic / Maria Marshall, UK / Marko Markovic, Croatia / Onno Dirker, the Netherlands / Alexander Ugay, Kazakhstan / Jamshed Kholikov, Tajikistan / Aikaterini Gegisian, UK / Damir Muratov, Russia / Eshim Agaoglu, Turkey / Anastasia Khoroshilova, Russia / Anna Ryaboshenko, Georgia / Evgeny Granilshchikov, Russia / Homayoun Sirizi, Iran / Elmas Deniz, Turkey / Nazrin Mammadova, Azerbaijan / Bouillon Group, Georgia / Savage, UK / Oscar Santillan, Ecuador / Anna Zhelud, Russia / Aladdin Garunov, Russia, the Republic of Dagestan.


Media contacts (accreditation, enquiries):

Manege Association | +7 (495) 645–92–76 | pr.manege@gmail.com

Head of PR Department Elena Karneeva | e.karneeva@moscowmanege.ru, +7 (926) 576-40-53



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