Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2016.02.12

Photography – Lifestyle – Photography

Alexander Tyagny-Ryadno
12 February — 24 March 2016
Стоимость полного билета - 150 рублей, льготного - 50 рублей.


Alexander Tyagny-Ryadno is one of the brilliant figures of the last generation of Soviet photography, who helped to define the new image of the Russian photography scene. The exhibition Photography – Lifestyle – Photography is timed to celebrate the artist’s anniversary and the release of the eponymous monograph.


Tyagny-Ryadno began his career with the legendary Soviet newspapers NTR, Sovetskaya Kultura, Izvestiya, Sobesednik. Following perestroika, he continued to work with many local and international titles. Counting approximately a dozen photo books published over the years, Tyagny-Ryadno has recently immersed himself in art photography. His works can be found in museums and private collections in America, the UK, Germany, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Russia and France.


“The first and foremost principle behind the birth of a photograph, for me, is Love.” This remark by Alexander Tyagny-Ryadno can well apply as an epigraph to the exhibition and the new monograph. As the preface by art critic Viktoria Musvik reads, “The works by Tyagny-Ryadno, which share a universal feeling of an endless and all-embracing love of this world, with all its deficiencies, crises and absurdities, are the best and most sparing way to look back and remember everything”

The exposition features the artist’s best photographs ranging from his earliest works dating back to the early 1980s to the mature exhibits. The exposition consists of three parts corresponding with the themes of the three volumes of the monograph. Black-and-white genre photographs depicting the country at the break of epochs represent the best of the best of Russian photo symbolism. Portraits of the key figures of the epoch follow the traditions of classical psychological portraits – the corresponding display chapter features photographs of Boris Yeltsin, Andrei Sakharov, Andrei Voznesensky and Sergei Bodrov.


The last, third, chapter of the exposition focuses on the search of a new contemporary language and style in color photography. Here you will find images shot by the artist in his numerous trips across and outside Russia.



Media contacts (accreditation, interviews):


Manege Unit | +7 (965) 412–74–24 | pr.manege@gmail.com

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