Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2016.01.15

Original course of drawing based on a method of the 1930s

Application period starts for the new cycle
5 April — 14 May 2016


Original course of drawing based on a method of the 1930s at the Visual Art Literacy School

Application period starts for a new cycle

Worker and Kolkhoz Woman Center, 123b, Prospekt Mira


The Worker and kolkhoz Woman Center has opened application process for a new cycle of the original drawing course by the Visual Art Literacy School. The cycle opens on April 5. The previous two cycles were completed successfully in November and December of 2015 and February and March of 2016.


How do you draw an intersection of a cone and a sphere? What about more complex forms? A saddle roof with a chimney, a laptop with a cat lying on it, an interior or architectural vision as a whole… Simple and complex shapes are everywhere. In order to create their visual representation, you should be able to draw not only each of the figures as it is, but also their intersections and mutual positions in space.


Courses of drawing are diverse and abundant but only some of them focus on particular applied tasks. This is exactly what describes the course of Dmitry Serov, one of such rarely found programs. Special exercises will help the participants enhance their skills of analysis and generalization, of setting tasks and finding ways to solve them to create visual representations of objects and to perceive visual information. These new skills and knowledge will be useful both for the beginners and professionals (designers, architects, engineers and those involved in other creative professions).


“I have been teaching for 15 years already, employing various techniques. The main task for a graphic artist is to develop the sense of depth in a flat drawing surface and to progress to creating a 3D form in space. The course offers various directions for further self-study process,” says Dmitry Serov, who specializes in the history and theory of architecture.


Serov based his program on a method proposed in the 1930s by Pavel Pavlinov, the author of a drawing guide (“Everyone Can Master Drawing”) and the concept of universal visual art literacy. The concept is, in a sense, a product of its time, which also was the time when the Worker and Kolkhoz Woman monument was built. Pavlinov believed that the skill of graphic expression can be learnt by anyone and that it may be useful not only for artists.


About the tutor:

Dmitry Serov, an artist and Professor of Drawing at the Moscow Architectural Institute, has been teaching for 15 years. Serov’s works are kept in private collections in Russia, the Netherlands, France, America, and Japan.

About the course:

The course is organized as part of the Visual Art Literacy School, the educational project of the Manege Unit.

The new cycle will comprise 10 classes to be conducted in a group of up to ten students twice a week, from 19.00 till 22.00 on Tuesdays and from 12.00 till 15.00 on Saturdays. The new cycle will begin on April 5, 2016.


All materials (easels, paper, drawing tools and pencils) are available to the students free of charge.




Tuesdays: 5, 12, 19, 26 April, 10 May: 19.00- 22.00

Saturdays: 9, 16, 23, 30 April, 14 May: 12.00- 15.00


The main topics and principles to be discussed in the course of studies:

  • principles of form representation in linear perspective
  • principles of light distribution on regular geometric objects
  • visualization drawing
  • objectless compositions
  • using orthogonal projections
  • drawing from memory and imagination


Tuition fee is 8,000 rubles. Single-day attendance is not available. 

Address: Worker and Kolkhoz Woman Center, 123b, Prospekt Mira, metro station VDNKH

Manege Association | +7 (495) 645 92 76 | pr.manege@gmail.com



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