Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2015.11.17

Flying Banana Theatre presents “The Gruffalo”

6 December

Moscow Department of Culture

Manege Association


Running time: 40 min 


On December 6, the Worker and Kolkhoz Woman center will once again welcome little viewers and their parents at a performance staged by children’s theatre company Flying Banana Theatre.The Gruffalo”, a musical performance based on the book by Julia Donaldson, is staged with spectacular visual effects, bright costumes, songs, and elements of shadow play. Scenery will be based on sand animation by Lilia Chistina projected on the stage.


“The Gruffalo” is an adventure story about the power of imagination and courage: trying to escape from a fox, an owl and a snake, a little mouse makes up a story about a terrifying gruffalo who loves to eat foxes, owls and snakes. But will the inventive mouse “outfox” the hungry animals? She does know there is no such thing as a gruffalo. Is she right?


The play is directed by extravagant Martin Cooke, the theatre’s artistic director who instills all of the company’s productions with beautiful English charm, kind humour and the feeling of joyful play.


“To play is to be” is the motto of the Flying Banana theatre. “We strive to share with kids a positive experience of engaging in a play of imagination. Our performances create no boundaries between the audience and the stage, which allows young viewers to plunge into the magic world of kind stories and the English language”, the company explain. 


Flying Banana Children’s Theatre is the only Moscow-based children’s theatre staging colorful productions in English for little viewers. The company is comprised of professional playwrights and actors who are native English speakers; over its 10 years of history, the theatre has earned a perfect reputation.


Production: author of the story – Julia Donaldson; director – Martin Cooke; music – Sergey Taff and Anton Rivera; costumes Viveen Lynch; sand art – Lilia Chistina; manager – Natasha Cooke.


Tickets are available at the box offices of the Worker and Kolkhoz Woman Center and online at the website of Manege and Voxxter.ru. 


The ticket price is 750 rubles.


Media accreditation:

Manege Association | +7 (495) 645 92 76 | pr.manege@gmail.com

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