Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2015.08.28

Festival Program “Knowledge Day at the Manege”

29 August


Manege Central Exhibition Hall (1, Manezhnaya pl.)




Tour of the “Sculptures We Do Not See” exhibition guided by curator Vera Trakhtenberg and chief architect Petr Tolpin.



12.00-13.00 2morrow + Manege film school

Master class of scriptwriting by Vasily Klepatsky: “Good Script vs. Bad Script”


The participants of the master class will discuss the main genres and formats of the modern Russian TV and the existing criteria applying to scripts. The talk will center on a script as a narrative, which has to be consistent and logically arranged, and a script as the basis for film production, which implies cooperation between the author, producer, editor, director and production department.

Vasily Klepatsky mastered his trade as a screenwriter at STV and Amedia studios and has worked as editor-in-chief at Mars Media, one of the biggest TV and filmmakers in Russia. His filmography includes Ilmar Raag’s feature “Ya ne vernus” (“I Won’t Come Back”), which was awarded a Special Jury Mention at the Tribeca Film Festival, 10-episode series “Ekaterina” (2014) produced by Amedia for Rossiya channel, series “Luna” (“The Moon”, CTC), “Levitan”,  and “Chupacabra” (Mars Media).


Klepatsky will run an intensive course called “Creating scripts for TV films” launching late in October.



Tour of the “Sculptures We Do Not See” exhibition guided by curator Vera Trakhtenberg and chief architect Petr Tolpin.


13.00-14.00 — 2morrow + Manege

Introduction by Ekaterina Ignatova — “Psychology in filmmaking. Script in movies and real life. How psychological competence helps the screenwriter and his characters.”


The master class will set a number of critical questions, particularly: How does the unconscious direct life? What psychologists call a life script? When and how does this unconscious life plan emerge? How can psychological competence help in screenwriting, inventing a character and creating a film?


Ekaterina Ignatova is a psychologist, couch, member of the European Association for Transactional Analysis (EATA). At the 2morrow + Manege film school, she will be running a course called “Psychology in filmmaking”. The course will launch in October.


13.00-14.00 —

Contras is a joint project of the Manege and independent culture news website Colta.ru.


14.00-15.00 –  2morrow + Manege film school

Master class on production design by Ekaterina Kozhevnikova


“Movie design. Visual implementation of the script. Practical recommendations by production designer”


Ekaterina Kozhevnikova will explain how to select a location for filming and create the movie’s atmosphere, how to portray a personality through the selection of accessories, how to make an interior the movie’s character. The audience will discover that a tight budget is not a sad circumstance but an invitation to be inventive.


Ekaterina Kozhevnikova is one of the most successful production designers in Russia. She studied at an art studio under direction of T. D. Chistyakova, then continued her education in fashion design at the National Institute of Fashion (1994-1999) and later polished her skills at Saint Martin’s College in London. Her career in filmmaking began in 1996. Among the movies she worked on are “Strana Glukhih” (Country of the Deaf, Valery Todorovsky, 1998), “Tochka” (The Spot, Yuri Moroz, 2005), “Boi s tenyu” (Shadow Boxing, Alexei Sidorov, 2011), “Fort Ross” (Yuri Moroz, 2014), “The Brothers Karamazov” series (Yuri Moroz, 2009), “Igrok” (The Player, Yuri Moroz, 2015)


At the 2morrow+manege film school, Kozhevnikova will be running a course called “Visualization of Script. Interior. Accessories. Costume”. The course will launch in October.


The Vadim Sidur Museum (37/2, ul. Novogireyevskaya)



All day (except for a break between 16.00-18.00)

Tours of the exhibition “And yet…”



Round table — “Single-themed museum in a modern city”


The phenomenon of a single-themed or single-artist museum is an interesting topic for discussion in the modern professional and cultural circles.


Today, museums have to adopt changes, while keeping up with the technology development and audiences’ expectations, and this trend especially affects the functions of a single-themed museum. What opportunities and objectives are faced by a single-themed museum in Moscow nowadays? What is its cultural role for the public? And how can a single-themed museum find a balance between new global museum strategies and the local historical identity? What forms of cultural and economic partnership can be efficient methods of development for a single-themed museum? These and other questions will be raised by the round table at the Vadim Sidur Museum on August 29, 2015.


Participants:  Peter Mancilla-Cruz, director of Mikhail Bulgakov Museum; Anastasia Grushetskaya, curator of the projected Gilyarovsky Center; Egor Larichev, deputy director for exposition of the State Museum of the History of GULAG; Ekaterina Chuchalina, program director and curator of the V-A-C foundation; Oleg Robinov, research associate of the Gogol House Museum; Yulia Yusma, curator of the New Wing of the Gogol House Museum; Yaroslav Aleshin, director of the Vadim Sidur Museum; Olga Zhuravleva, PR-director of the Anatoly Zverev Museum.


Presentation of the educational program of the Vadim Sidur Museum


The autumn educational program will feature cycles of lectures by leading Russian experts on sculpture, Soviet postmodernism, and garden art.


The Worker and Kolkhoz Woman Exhibition center, (123b, Prospekt Mira) 


15.00-15.30, 16.00-16.30, 17.00-17.30 – tours of the exhibition “Techniques of Quick Passing through Changing Atmosphere” guided by Anton Silenin


17.30-18.30 – 2morrow + Manege film school

Introductory lecture “Ten stories of the cinema. Contemporary guide”. Kirill Adibekov


“History. Year Zero”


Sometimes, the cinema happens to catch and record the moment of a complete new start and reset, when modernity suddenly becomes history and gives way to something absolutely new.

(Unlike film, digital equipment does not record it but rather transmits it). Sometimes the cinema can re-enact such moments or re-create them. Examples are present in the films by Roberto Rossellini (Germany, Year Zero), Jean-Luc Godard (Germany Year 90 Nine Zero), Daria Belova (Come and Play).


Kirill Adibekov is a director, movie expert, poet, translator, co-founder of website Kinote.info.

He is the curator of the 2morrow / Zavtra film festival, author of the retrospectives of Pedro Costa, Jean-Marie Straub and Dani?le Huillet, Johan van der Keuken and Frans van de Staak, winner of the Elephant prize in the Sine Charta category (2013).


At the 2morrow+Manege film school, Adibekov will be running a course called “Ten stories of the cinema. Contemporary guide”. The course will launch on September 12. Please sign up here.



18.30-19.30– 2morrow+Manege film school

Introductory lecture by Anna Lind “Fundamentals of law in filmmaking”

“Laws of filmmaking. Practice of film industry”


Before a movie hits the screens, it may face numerous obstacles, which are to be overcome competently. We are inviting you to contemplate a film from the point of view of a legal team to get an understanding how an idea is transformed into a script, how relationships are governed between the authors, how the director and producer prepare for the filming, how actors replace each other in picture, how music and titles feature in the film.


Anna Lind graduated from the Kutafin Moscow State Law University and also gained a degree in finance from the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. Lind has had extensive experience working in the industry on different aspects of intellectual property rights. She has worked with FOX channel, CTC Media, TBWA and Ogilvy, as well as the 2morrow / Zavtra international film festival.


At the 2morrow+Manege film school, Lind will be running a course called “Fundamentals of law in filmmaking”. Registration for autumn 2015 will open soon.



Presentation of educational program on architecture

“Global Modernism and the History of Expo”. Lecture by Evgenia Gershkovich


Evgenia Gershkovich is an art expert, critic and journalist, author of more than 700 publications on the history of arts, architecture and design. Gershkovich was nominated for the Cultural Heritage prize.


19.30-21.00 Up Above Moscow project


Specifically for the Knowledge Day festival, singer and performer Lisokot has compiled a unique musical program featuring composer and multi-instrumentalist Mitya Vikhornov.


Varya Pavlova, better known as Lisokot, is a Moscow-based singer, artist, poet and composer, author of numerous musical performances. Working with the Soviet song heritage and relying on the voice as her only tool, she compiles minimalist sound collages using song fragments, her own animalist poems and a simple effect processor. Mitya Vokhornov is a composer, producer, author of music for theatre productions and performances. He has worked with choreographer Anna Abaliknina, directors Filipp Grigoryan and Yuri Kvyatkovsky. Vikhornov is also the author and stage director of the In C (TerryRiley) performance for modular synthesizers.



Studio Museum of David Nalbandyan


14.00 –   “Drawing with Nalbandyan” master classes for kids (6-11 years old)

Daria Akhmedova, Illustration student of the British Higher School of Art and Design, will teach little guests of the Studio how to create still lifes and landscapes to comfort you on a cold day. While the kids are painting, their parents will be offered a visit to the permanent exposition of the Museum.


16.00 – Lecture & Talk “How to contemplate a painting” 


The Studio Museum of David Nalbandyan will invite school students of the 5th-7th grades to attend a lecture “How to contemplate a painting”. The educational talk will focus on the creation of an art object, the painting’s subject, composition, color and rhythmic aspects.


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