Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2015.09.09

Double finissage and musical performance by Meditative music ensemble

13 September

Moscow City Department of Culture

Manege Association



Finissage of exhibitions “The Russian Avant-Garde: From Dawn Till Dusk. From the Collection of Yuri Nosov” and “The Techniques of Quick Passing through the Changing Atmosphere”

Concert of Meditative music ensemble 



On September 13, the Worker and Kolkhoz Woman Exhibition Center will host a special program for the closing of two projects followed by a performance of Meditative music ensemble.



Closing the exhibition “The Russian Avant-Garde: From Dawn Till Dusk” will be Yuri Nosov, the proprietor of the collection on display. He will guide a tour of the exposition, addressing the history of each work. Visitors will get an opportunity to follow the evolution of Russian avant-garde and will be encouraged to ask questions. At the end of the tour, there will be a draw for three catalogues published for the exhibition.



The final day of the exhibition “Techniques of Quick Passing through the Changing Atmosphere” will also feature a tour led by the two participants, Ekaterina Kraeva and Inna Glushenko. The exhibition itself is the graduation project of the workshop led by Kirill Preobrazhensky (Department of Photography of the British Higher School of Art and Design).



The day will close with a performance of Meditative music ensemble. The band will play their interpretations of pieces for Baroque instruments by composers Philip Glass, John Cage and Arvo Part, as well as pieces for piano and vocal works. The program will particularly feature the following compositions: Opening by Philip Glass, Spiegel im Spiegel, Pari intervallo, F?r Alina, Summa, Fratres, Variationen zur Gesundung von Arinuschka by Arvo Part, and In a Landscape by John Cage. 



The lineup:

Darina Ablogina (flute); Anton Izgagin (double bass, gamba); Alina Petrova (viola); Alexei Chichilin (guitar).




18.00 – tour guided by Yuri Nosov

19.00 – tour guided by Ekaterina Kraeva and Inna Glushenko

20.00 – performance of Meditative music ensemble

A caf? & bar will be open at the exhibition hall during the finissage program.


Media accreditation:
Manege Museum and Exhibition Association | +7 (495) 645 92 76 | pr.manege@gmail.com
Head of PR Office Elena Karneeva | e.karneeva@moscowmanege.ru, +7 (926) 576-40-53



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