Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2015.10.19

“Night of the Arts” at the Vadim Sidur museum

Guided tour, classical concert, lecture on urban planning, and screening of video art dedicated to Dmitry Prigov
3 November
Free entrance

Moscow Department of Culture

Manege Museum and Exhibition Association



Night of the Arts at the Vadim Sidur museum: a guided tour, a classical music concert, a lecture on urban planning, and a screening of a video work dedicated to Dmitry Prigov


On the night of November 3, the Vadim Sidur museum will be taking part in the city-scale initiative called the “Night of the Arts” and focused, unlike the more specific “Museum Night”, on a wide range of activities and interests. The Vadim Sidur museum, Moscow’s only state museum fully dedicated to contemporary sculpture, will host a guided tour, a classical music concert, a screening of a video work about Dmitry Prigov, and a lecture on the history and architecture of Moscow neighborhoods Perovo and Novogireevo.



Screening of “Shag” (“Step”), videoart by contemporary artist Polina Kozlova (18.00-1.00)


A three-part video shows the path of an artist not in the metaphorical, but rather in the exact physical sense using the footage of the routes followed by Moscow poet Dmitry Prigov, one of the founders of Moscow conceptualism, as he walked from his studio to his home in Belyaevo. The visual ambient of three videostreams, mixed on one screen and overlaid with captured letters and symbols from the city environment, creates the feeling of random wandering around the neighborhood, immersing the viewer into the atmosphere of dreamy contemplation.



Guided tour of the Vadim Sidur museum (18.00, 22.00)


The guided tour will take you on a journey around the architectural space of the museum to discover its specific features and historical context. The tour will be guided by the museum director, Yaroslav Aleshin.



Classical music concert (19.00)


A concert of classical music performed by the students of the Academic Music College under the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory. The participants: Kamilla Kakhkharova (piano), Dona Egoyan (violin), Nina Strigina (viola), Evgeny Dobkach (cello).



Mahler, Quartet in A minor (1st movement)

Mozart, Sonata in F major

Liszt, Obermann’s Valley

Chopin, Etude No.17

S. Bach, Prelude and Fugue in A major

Ginastera, Argentine Dance No. 2


“The House I Live In” – Lecture (20.30)

Historian and writer Sergey Kozlovsky will give a talk on the history and types of architectural planning of the nearby neighborhoods Perovo and Novogireevo, where, at the border, the Vadim Sidur museum is located.


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