Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2015.08.18

Art Damaged By Illegal Actions of Activists

Manege Central Hall, 1, Manezhnaya sq.
18 August

Art Damaged By Illegal Actions of Activists


On August 14, several exhibits from the repository of the Manege Museum and Exhibition Association were vandalized while on display as part of “The Sculptures We Do Not See” exhibition. Some of the targeted pieces are state property included in the museum stock of the Russian Federation.


Among the works affected were four pieces of linoleum engraving, 30×30 sm, of the 101 series, 1971, created by prominent Soviet avant-garde sculptor, poet and writer Vadim Sidur. The other work was by Megasoma Mars from the collection of the Triumph gallery. There was apparently intent to damage property.


Security officers of Manege were operating within strict regulations, without resorting to the use of force as they tried to push the initiators back toward the entrance of the exhibition, which spans 3,000 square meters. The policy was called for immediately.

The evaluation of damage will be produced following expert consultations. The damage report was filed, and we will insist on launching a criminal case.



The Vadim Sidur Museum was established in Moscow in 1989 and remains the only museum in Moscow wholly devoted to contemporary sculpture. The art of Vadim Sidur is varied and multifaceted, spanning numerous sculptures, works of graphics, poetry, prose and even cinematograph, which represent a whole era in the national art history.

Vadim Sidur was a World War II veteran, who got seriously wounded in the war; most of his works bear the marks of pain, suffering, tragedy, but never mockery.

The works of the internationally acclaimed sculptor have featured in numerous exhibitions in Russia (the USSR) and abroad, particularly in Germany, Sweden, Denmark, England, France, Italy (at a Biennale show), US and Australia. His art has been a media focus, appearing in numerous publications, films, TV and radio shows.

Sidur’s works are present in many of the world’s museums. Earlier in August 2015, the European Parliament bought his work called “The Wounded” for the museum of history of the European Union.


The Manege Museum and Exhibition Association comprises six exhibition grounds in Moscow: Manege Central Exhibition Hall; Moscow State Exhibition Hall New Manege; Worker and Kolkhoz Woman Exhibition Center; Studio Museum of D.A. Nalbandyan; Chekhov’s House Exhibition Hall; Moscow State Museum of Vadim Sidur.

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