Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2014.10.06

Jameel Prize 3

Exhibition representing the shortlisted artists of a prestigious international competition
11 October — 23 November 2014

Government of Moscow

Moscow City Department of Culture

Museum and Exhibition Association “Manege”


Victoria and Albert Museum, London (V&A)

Art Jameel 


Exhibition Curators: Tim Stanley and Salma Tuqan, Victoria and Albert Museum


The Moscow State Exhibition Hall “New Manege” will present a major exhibition representing the shortlisted artists of a prestigious international competition: the Jameel Prize 3. The exhibition will feature over 20 works of 10 artists and designers from all over the world: Azerbaijan, India, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and France. The Exhibition is organised by the Victoria and Albert Museum London (V&A) in partnership with Art Jameel.


The artworks are shown in Moscow for the first time and are diverse in their style: unique Arabic calligraphy and typography, a tile work floor re-created in spices, dresses inspired by the architecture and ornaments of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, as well as video and miniatures.  All these art objects are original and stylistically executed in various techniques and were made by contemporary artists and designers.


The winners of the Jameel Prize 3 are, Dice Kayek.  The finalists that will be presented are : Faig Ahmed, Nada Debs,  Mounir Fatmi,  Rahul Jain, Waqas Khan, Laurent Mareschal,  Nasser Al Salem, Florie Salnot and Pascal Zoghbi.


The Prize, founded in partnership with Art Jameel, was conceived after the renovation of the V&A’s Jameel Gallery of Islamic Art, which opened in July 2006 to present the rich artistic heritage of the Islamic world. The prize aims to raise awareness of the thriving interaction between contemporary practice and this great historical heritage and to broaden understanding of Islamic culture and its place in the world.


Leading curators, designers, artists and cultural figures from across the world were invited to nominate artists and designers for the Jameel Prize. Almost 270 nominations for the Jameel Prize 3 were received from a broad range of countries including entries for the first time from Algeria, Brazil, Norway and Russia. A panel of judges, chaired by V&A Director, Martin Roth, selected the shortlist of ten artists and designers.


Award-winning architect Dame Zaha Hadid is Patron of the Jameel Prize. The judges were: Thomas Heatherwick, designer and founder of Heatherwick Studio; Rashid Kora?chi, winner of the Jameel Prize 2011; Martin Roth, V&A Director; Nada Shabout, Associate Professor of Art History and the Director of the Contemporary Arab and Muslim Cultural Studies Institute at the University of North Texas, USA; and Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFar?s, Founding Director of the Khatt Foundation, Center for Arabic Typography.


Tim Stanley, senior curator for the V&A’s Middle Eastern collection, with Salma Tuqan, the V&A’s curator of Middle Eastern contemporary art and design, are the curators of the Jameel Prize 3 exhibition.


Other V&A activity in Russia this year includes the exhibition Julia Margaret Cameron at the Multimedia Art Museum in Moscow opening in November 2014 and Shooting Shakespeare, an exhibition to celebrate the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth at the Bakhrushin Theatre Museum in Moscow from October 2014. At the V&A in London, the display Russian Avant-Garde Theatre Design 1913-1933: War, Revolution and Design in collaboration with the A. A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatrical Museum, Moscow, will also open in October.


About the V&A

The V&A is the world’s leading museum of art and design with collections unrivalled in their scope and diversity. It was established to make works of art available to all and to inspire British designers and manufacturers. Today, the V&A’s collections, which span over 2000 years of human creativity in virtually every medium and from many parts of the world, continue to intrigue, inspire and inform. www.vam.ac.uk


About the V&A’s Islamic Art Collection

The V&A has specialised in collecting Islamic art since the 1850s, and was the first institution in the world to collect Islamic art in a systematic fashion. The Museum’s mission was to reform design, and it was thought that Islamic ideas about structuring patterns and matching decoration to shape and function could improve British design. The Jameel Prize shows that the link between the Islamic art of the past and contemporary practice is still very much alive.


About Art Jameel

Art Jameel – one of Abdul Latif Jameel Community Initiatives – aims to foster and promote a thriving arts scene within the MENAT region (Middle East, North Africa and Turkey) and to support the development of creative enterprises. In partnership with art organisations worldwide, Art Jameel develops cultural exchange programmes to encourage networking and knowledge sharing. Art Jameel is the founding partner of Edge of Arabia, The Crossway Foundation, Arabian Wings, Jeddah Art Week and The Archive. In addition to the partnership with the Victoria and Albert Museum in London for the biannual Jameel Prize, projects include: Art Jameel Photography Award; Jeddah’s Sculptures Museum, a public park established in collaboration with Jeddah Municipality; Art Jameel Olympics, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia; and Art Jameel Programme for Traditional Arts and Crafts in Fustat, Egypt, in collaboration with the Prince’s School of Traditional Arts.




+7 (495) 645 92 76, pr.manege@gmail.com



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