Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2016.02.08

“I Piped My Pipe”. Krugly Band in a Musical Tribute to Velimir Khlebnikov

Up Above Moscow project, Rooftop Jazz program
17 February


In 2016, the Manege Unit is continuing its project launched successfully last summer. Up Above Moscow is a cycle of music nights in a most advantageous location offering unique views of Moscow. In warm seasons, the performances are staged on the rooftop of the Worker and Kolkhoz Woman pavilion, at the footing of the iconic 24-meter sculpture. At all other times, the concerts are held on the fourth floor with admission to the rooftop during the break.


“I Piped My Pipe”. Krugly Band in a Musical Tribute to Velimir Khlebnikov


20.00 – arrival of guests; 20.30 – performance


The literary musical genre plays a special role in the program of Krugly Band. The band’s highlights in this direction have included the works of Vladimir Mayakovsky, Sergei Esenin, Vasily Trediakovsky, Vladimir Vysotsky and Dmitry Prigov. The musicians aim to create a unique stage environment where sound and verbal performance come together, illustrating the relation between the poetic and improvisational principles.


The literary musical performance celebrating Velimir Khlebnikov had a very successful run at the festival dedicated to the 130th anniversary of birth of the extraordinary poet. Kruglov’s choice of Khlebnikov and his works is not casual, as the style of the prominent futurist has been a key reference for the musician in his own lyrics and palindromes. The poems of Khlebnikov sound a contemporary tone in Krugly Band’s recitals, retaining the original artistic and aesthetical content and getting a new style with the accompaniment of new jazz and improvisational music.


Alexey Kruglov is a composer, saxophonist and the leader of the well-known Krugly Band.  He is a winner of prestigious national and international competitions and an experimenter participating in cross-disciplinary projects combining the cinema, theatre, contemporary art and literature. He is a member of the prestigious Western labels Leo Records and ACT Music and the organizer of the annual Leo Records Festival in Russia. The Jazzwise magazine has gone so far as to dub him “the future of jazz.”



Alexey Kruglov — voice, grand piano, alto saxophone
Vladimir Kruglov — voice, guitar, grand piano
Julia Malikova — voice, trumpet

Denis Shushkov — voice, double bass
Pyotr Ivshin —vocals, drums, percussion


Tickets are available at the box offices of the Worker and Kolkhoz Woman Center and online at voxxter.ru and the website of the Manege Unit. The ticket price is 300 rubles including admission to the exhibition on the day of the performance.


Running time: 1 h 30 min.

Media accreditation: Manege Unit | +7 (495) 645 92 76 | pr.manege@gmail.com


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