Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2018.10.10

Full of Thought and Sympathy: Ivan Turgenev’s Landscapes Through the Eyes of the Modern Russian Artists

3 May

The main goal of the Russian landscape paintings exhibition dedicated to Ivan Turgenev’s 200th anniversary is to look at the Russian nature through the eyes of both – the classic of European literature and of modern artists; thus demonstrating an obvious artistic continuity. Landscape paintings that we have selected for the exhibition are not and should not be considered illustrations of Turgenev’s landscape sketches. These are independent works of our contemporaries, surprisingly consonant with the vision of the great writer in terms of perception of the beauty of the world around.


The exhibition contains 30 landscape paintings that are fitted into special panels along with quotes with Turgenev’s landscape descriptions in four languages. It is worth mentioning that most of the poems were translated from Russian especially for this project.


We hope that our exhibition can become another “window” through which Europeans will be able to see the beauty of Russian nature and feel the beauty of the Russian soul.



Exhibition tour


3 – 29 May 2018 – Berlin, Russian House of Science and Culture in Berlin

Address: Friedrichstra?e 176-179, 10117 Berlin


7 – 29 June 2018Luxembourg, Russian Centre of Science and Culture

Address: 32, rue Goethe, L-1637 Luxembourg


5 – 13 July 2018 Brussels, Russian Centre of Science and Culture

Address: 21 rue du M?ridien, 1210 Bruxelles


3 – 21 September 2018 Strasbourg, Palace of Europe

Address: Council of Europe, Avenue de l’Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex


2 – 9 October 2018 – Paris, UNESCO Headquaters

Address: 7 place de Fontenoy, Paris


5 – 13 November 2018Baden-Baden, Kurhaus

Address: Kaiserallee 1 – 76530 Baden-Baden

20 – 30 November 
2018 Paris, Russian Centre of Science and Culture

Address: 61, rue Boissi?re, 75116 Paris






Venue requirements:

-150-250 sq. meters

– Directional light/spot lighting is most desirable


For inquiries about administrative and financial conditions of display of the exhibition, please, contact us via email: cultexchange@moscowmanege.ru



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