Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2018.10.09

War and Peace of Vadim Sidur

20 July

Mobile exhibition “War and Peace of Vadim Sidur” includes over 40 works of the prominent sculptor, relating to different periods of his oeuvre. Among the selected works there are sculptures, graphics, ceramics, and linoleums.


Vadim Sidur, who is considered a bright representative of the Soviet unofficial art, joins the ranks of great avant-garde figures such as Henry Moore, Alberto Giacometti, Constantin Br?ncu?i. Sidur created an enormous body of work, which includes more than 500 sculptures, 2,000 pieces of graphic artwork, a collection of poems, a book of avant-garde prose, and a film. His monuments were installed in Germany, the US, and Russia. His works have ended up in the collections of German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, Nobel prize winners Samuel Beckett and Pablo Neruda, twice Nobel prize winner John Bardeen, composer Benjamin Britten, and many others.


Sidur’s strikingly tragic and incredibly heartfelt works still resonate with the spirit of our time. His works’ central themes are the horrors of war and violent death, the looming threat of global ecological disaster, the pursuit of harmony in a fragmented world, and the adulation of the creative power of human genius.


Exhibition is designed as a mobile one: it can match venues of different shape and size and is easy to be assembled and dismantled. Exhibits are located on specially constructed tables, pilons and podiums, and are supported by images on four touch-screens. All of these are designed in the same minimalistic style and do not distract visitors from viewing the exhibits.



Exhibition tour


July 20, 2016 – September 4, 2016, Vadim Sidur Museum, Moscow

September 20, 2016 – October 19, 2016, The Palace of Europe, Strasbourg

October 22, 2016 – November 04, 2016, Russian Center of Science and Culture, Luxembourg

August 15, 2017 – September 3, Manege Central Exhibition Hall, Saint Petersburg

September 9, 2017 – October 8, 2017, Municipal Art Gallery, Kostroma

April 19, 2018 – May 28, 2018, Red Bridge Modern Art Gallery, Vologda





Venue requirements:

  • 200 sq. meters
  • Electric contact spots in different parts of the exhibition area
  • Directional light/spot lighting is most desirable



For inquiries about administrative and financial conditions of display of the exhibition, please, contact us via email: cultexchange@moscowmanege.ru




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