Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2016.02.19


17 February — 17 March 2016
Стоимость полного билета - 300 рублей, льготного - 50 рублей.


The Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow / Moscow House of Photography and the Manege Unit present a program of exhibitions as part of the 11th International Month of Photography in Moscow PHOTOBIENNALE-2016.


Graziano Arici “Venice. World Culture in the People”

Curators: Olga Sviblova, Anna Zaitseva

Project presented with the participation and support of the Italian Institute of Culture in Moscow


Cristina Garc?a Rodero “Open-Mouthed”

Project presented by: Cervantes Institute and CEART, El Centro de Arte Tom?s y Valiente, Fuenlabrada (Madrid, Spain)

Supported by: Embassy of Spain in Russia


Olivier Culmann The Others”

Curators: Olivier Culmann, Anna Zaitseva

With the support of the Embassy of France in Russia and Institut Fran?ais in Russia


Jean-Pierre Laffont “Turbulent America”

Curator: Eliane Laffont

Project presented with the participation of the European House of Photography, Paris

With the support of the Embassy of France in Russia and Institut Fran?ais in Russia


Yusuf SevincliDerive

Curators: Christine Ollier and Charlotte Boudon

Project presented by: Galerie Les filles du calvaire, Paris

With the support of the Institut Fran?ais


Claudia Huidobro “Tout Contre”

Curators: Christine Ollier and Charlotte Boudon

Project presented by Galerie Les filles du calvaire, Paris

With the support of the Embassy of France and Institut Fran?ais


Evolution of Sight, 1991-2016”

For the 25th anniversary of the Union of Photo Artists of Russia

Curator: Natalia Udartseva

Project presented by the Union of Photo Artists of Russia

Supported by: Culture Ministry of the Russian Federation



Media Accreditation: Manege Unit | +7 (495) 645-92-76| pr.manege@gmail.com

Head of PR department Elena Karneeva | e.karneeva@moscowmanege.ru, +7 (926) 576-40-53




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Персональная выставка народного художника Василия Нестеренко «Мы – русские, с нами Бог!»
Экскурсии по персональной выставке народного художника Василия Нестеренко «Мы – русские, с нами Бог!»