Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2015.12.10

Painting in Duo

Exhibition, Tatiana Belotelova and Igor Primachenko
16 December — 24 January 2016

Moscow Department of Culture

Manege Association


On December 16, the New Manege will host the opening of an exhibition of Tatiana Belotelova and Igor Primachenko, “Painting in Duo”.


The two artists from Moscow created a brilliant lyric-dramatic duo, which is itself a rare phenomenon for the visual arts.


They met as students of the Moscow State Stroganov Academy of Industrial and Applied Arts, which they both successfully graduated from in 1971. In 1978, they became members of the Union of Artists of the USSR and since then, never parted until the tragic death of Igor Primachenko in 2013.


The duo featured in numerous group and personal exhibitions in Russia and abroad. Their paintings belong to the collections of national museums, the Ministry of Culture and the Art Fund and are kept in private collections in Russia, Italy, France, the USA, Japan, Germany, Sweden and many other countries.


Tatiana Belotelova is an Honored Artist of Russia and formerly a member of the Union of Architects of the USSR (since 1971). Belotelova’s main areas of work are monumental decorative art, easel painting and graphics. She has created murals, mosaics, stained glass works in Moscow and other cities in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Her personal exhibitions were arranged in Moscow, Rome, Belgrade, Zagreb, Cologne, and Montenegro. She was twice awarded the first-grade Diploma at the International Art Fair in Belgrade; she participated in the International auction in Japan and won a diploma of the International Art Fair in Canada. She was also awarded the title “Laureate of the All-Russia Exhibition Center”.


The works of Tatiana Belotelova create a new artistic reality with deep socio-cultural foundations.


Igor Primachenko, a master of easel painting and graphics, performed a great number of commissioned works for public, industrial and cultural centers in Russia. A major focus of his work was marine painting as well as other related subjects of living by the sea and the architecture of coastal cities. His numerous journeys in Kamchatka, Chukotka, the Arctic region, the Northern Sea Route and the Mediterranean inspired many of his paintings. Igor Primachenko was a long-standing president of the marine section of the Union of Artists of the USSR and sat on the board of Moscow’s Central House of Artists. His works have featured in more than a hundred group exhibitions in Russia and abroad. His personal shows were arranged in Moscow, Tokyo, Belgrade, Zagreb, Cologne, and Montenegro.


Media Contacts: Manege MEA | +7 (495) 645-92-76 | pr.manege@gmail.com



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