Города Москвы

г. Москва, Манежная пл, д.1.

Дата публикации: 2015.08.19

Movie Marathon of 2morrow + Manege Film School

“Playing Chekhov. Three Rehearsals”
22 August
1pm – 12am
Ticket price for full marathon program: 400 rubles Special rate: 250 rubles

Moscow City Department of culture

Manege Museum and Exhibition Association

Film school 2morrow + Manege


Curators: Kirill Adibekov, Anna Melikova



The 2morrow + Manege film school, which has developed along the lines of the 2morrow/Zavtra International Festival of Independent Films, makes a major part of the educational program of Manege. The courses to help you learn key filmmaking professions will launch at the Manege venues in the autumn of 2015, and in the meantime, the film school has to offer a movie marathon format drawing on the idea suggested by the Year of Literature. The marathon will explore the influence between filmmaking and Russian literary classics.


While the Museum Night program at the Manege Central Exhibition Hall centered on “The Idiot” by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, this time, the focus will be playwright Anton Chekhov’s legacy, which significantly redefined the art of drama and theatre at the turn of the 20th century and later influenced filmmaking.



The program “Playing Chekhov” will feature unconventional adaptations of Chekhov’s plays by Michel Soutter (Faces of Love (French: Rep?rages), 1977), Louis Malle (Vanya on 42nd Street, 1994), and Claude Miller (Little Lili, 2003). Following in the footsteps of Chekhov, who was among the first to bring in an artist as a character in his plays, be it a writer or a stage director, the filmmakers are playing on the presence of the author or director who is engaged in the search of a location for shooting or in rehearsals with the cast. Sometimes, the director is a fictitious figure performed by an actor, while otherwise, particularly in Louis Malle’s interpretation, the director is playing himself during the rehearsals. Standing apart is Alexander Sokurov’s Mournful Indifference based on Bernard Shaw’s play Heartbreak House full of allusions to Chekhov’s plays.



The lecture part of the program will be opened by poet, critic, and writer Alexander Skidan who was awarded the Andrei Bely prize. Director and playwright Mikhail Ugarov (The Chekhov Brothers) will introduce his film and give a talk about his work with Chekhov’s texts. Director, film researcher, poet and curator Kirill Adibekov will introduce the first educational course of the 2morrow+Manege film school titled “10 stories of the cinema. Contemporary guide”.



Great hall:
13.00 Claude Miller, Little Lili, 100 min
15.00 Introductory lecture by Alexander Skidan, 60 min
16.00 Alexander Sokurov, Mournful Indifference, 100 min
18.00 Louis Malle, Vanya on 42nd Street, 120 min
20.15 Michel Soutter, Faces of Love (French: Rep?rages), 90 min
22.00 Claude Miller, Little Lili, 100 min


Small hall:
13.00 Alexander Sokurov, Mournful Indifference, 100 min

16.00 Michel Soutter, Faces of Love (French: Rep?rages), 90 min
18.00 Kirill Adibekov, lecture “10 stories of the cinema. Contemporary guide”, 60 min
19.00 Mikhail Ugarov and “The Chekhov brothers”, screening and talk, 150 min

21.30 Louis Malle, Vanya on 42nd Street, 120 min


Tickets are available at the box offices of the New Manege Exhibition Hall and online at moscowmanege.ru and Voxxter.ru (https://voxxter.ru/event/1812).


For further information, please contact:

Olga Grinkrug, Head of PR and Development, 2morrow/Zavtra filmschool



Media accreditation:

Head of PR Department Elena Karneeva | e.karneeva@moscowmanege.ru, +7 (926) 576-40-53

Manege Museum and Exhibition Association | +7 (495) 645 92 76 | pr.manege@gmail.com


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