- General Provisions
1.1. These Regulations determine general principles for organizing, holding and accompanying of exposition, exhibition and other events by SBUK of Moscow MEA Manege (hereinafter – MEA Manege).
1.2. The purpose of these Regulations is to establish general conditions for preparing, holding and accompanying of exposition, exhibition and other events as well as the rules of MEA Manege exhibition halls and premises use.
1.3.The scope of these Regulations covers all exhibition halls and premises of other functional purpose located in the following buildings under operational management of MEA Manege:
– Manege central exhibition hall (Manezhnaya square, 1, Moscow);
– New Manege Moscow state exhibition hall (Georgievsky per., 3, building 3);
– Museum and exhibition centre Worker and Kolkhoz Woman (pr-t Mira, 123B, Moscow);
1.4. These Regulations use the following terms and definitions:
Exhibition Areas mean exhibition halls and premises of other functional purpose located in the buildings specified in section 1.3 hereof, permanently or temporally used for exposition and exhibition and other events.
Event means an event of any kind held at the Exhibition Areas.
Exposition and exhibition event means an event where a public demonstration of museum items, pieces of art, art objects, installations and other kinds of artistic expression takes place and other auxiliary services are provided.
Compulsory event means an event held by MEA Manege under the instruction of Moscow Department of Culture.
Non-exhibitory event means any Event not referred to Exposition and exhibitory event or Compulsory event.
Organizer is a person (legal entity, individual entrepreneur or individual) who develops a concept for the Event and organizes and(or) prepares, accompanies and holds the Event.
Exponent is an author of a piece of art, its owner or a third person authorized by the owner and presenting the piece of art at the Event. The exponent’s rights can be represented by the Organizer of the Event.
Institutor means MEA Manege performing the works and services connected with preparation and holding of the Event under the contract between the Institutor or Exponent.
Authorized organization means an organization supervising the technical documentation, quality of construction, engineering and electric and technical works for the Event under instructions of the Institutor.
Auxiliary services mean paid services connected with technical support of the Event and provided by the Institutor.
Accreditation is a document issued by the Authorized organization to the Event Organizer certifying the admittance to construction, electrical, technical and other works in the Exhibition Areas.
Expert Council is an MEA Manege body ensuring consultation support of MEA Manege’s exhibitory activity and acting by the virtue of relevant regulation approved by MEA Manege General Director (the Regulation is published at www.moscowmanege.ru).
- Event Approval Procedure
2.1.Approval of Exposition and Exhibition Events
2.1.1. Russian and foreign legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and individuals can be admitted to organize exposition and exhibition events.
2.1.2. A person planning to organize the exposition and exhibition event addresses to MEA Manege in the name of its Art Director with the relevant proposal.
2.1.3. The Art Director based on the Expert Council regulation forwards the obtained proposals for Expert Council review at its next meeting.
2.1.4. The Expert Council considers the proposals received and gives its recommendations and opinion.
2.1.5. Based on the recommendations and opinions of the Expert Council, the Art Director develops a plan of MEA Manege exhibition activities including the Exposition and exhibition events approved by the Expert Council.
2.1.6. MEA Manege General Director approves the plan of exhibitory activities of MEA Manege as presented by the Art Director.
2.1.7. The approved exhibition plan of MEA Manege is further provided to Moscow Department of Culture for reconciliation.
2.1.8. The approved and reconciled exhibitory activities plan of MEA Manege is the basis for holding the Exposition and Exhibition Events specified therein.
2.2. Reconcilement of Compulsory Events
2.2.1. The persons directly specified in the instructions from Moscow Department of Culture are admitted to organizing the Compulsory Event held in Exhibition Areas.
2.2.2. To hold the Compulsory Event the Organizer turns to the Institutor’s general director and submits the relevant instruction from Moscow Department of Culture.
2.2.3. In case the terms of the Compulsory Event of the Organizer coincide with the earlier agreed MEA Manege exhibition plan (see section 2.1.8 hereof), the Institutor requests additional comments from Moscow Department of Culture in regard to priority of the events.
2.2.4. The Institutor and Organizer of the Compulsory Event shall enter into agreement for organizing and holding the event in accordance with the procedure and on conditions determined by the instruction of Moscow Department of Culture or explanation received from the Department.
2.3. Reconcilement and Organization of Non-Exhibitory Events
2.3.1. Russian and foreign legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are admitted to organize non-exhibitory events.
2.3.2. To hold such an event, the Organizer shall turn to the Institutor’s general director by submitting a written or oral request.
2.3.3. The institutor reviews the request within 5 (five) working days and informs the Organizer (in writing or orally) on the possibility to hold the non-exhibitory event specifying the possible time lines and conditions for its organization.
2.3.4. When the Organizer’s request review was positive and the Institutor and Organizer agree on the time period and conditions for organizing the non-exhibitory events, the parties enter into agreement for organizing and holding of the event.
- Conditions for Admitting the Organizer to Exhibition Areas
3.1. The Organizer is admitted to Exhibition Areas when it has a technical accreditation performed by the Authorized organization in regard to compliance with construction rules and regulations, technical instructions for mantling and dismantling works for organizations drawn by the Organizer for such works and when it presents an Accreditation Act from the Authorized organization certifying the audit of Event’s technical documentation.
3.2. The Organizer can use the Exhibition Areas exclusively for their direct purpose.
3.3. During preparation and holding of the Event the Organizer shall comply with safety and occupational safety rules, fire safety, sanitary and quarantine rules, Russian legal requirements in regard to the building as a historical monument and require other persons performing mantling and dismantling works, Event members and visitors to comply with these rules.
- Rules of Conduct in Exhibition Areas
4.1.No smoking on the territory of Exhibition Areas is allowed
4.2. The following is prohibited in the Exhibition Areas:
– Use different types of stage smoke agents (water, glycerol, etc.) as it can cause analog detectors to operate and automatically launch the fire extinguishing system.
– Use sparklers, crackers, fireworks and other pyrotechnical and fire effects. A special approval of the Institutor’s general director is required for confetti and ticker tape.
- Reconcilement of the Event with other state authorities and services
5.1. When necessary the Organizer independently reconciles the Event with Moscow City Fire Service Department, Moscow Medical Service, City Security Service, Moscow Head Internal Affairs Department and State Road Safety Inspection.
- Event coverage in mass media
6.1. In case the Event is covered by Organizer in mass media, the Organizer shall agree with the Institutor the content of all materials. Television-, cinema- and photo-shooting of the Event can be performed only within the specified Exhibition Areas with Institutor’s approval.